DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-8(212)-7

Klochkov V. G. Forms of interaction of the general prosecutor’s office with the mass media

The article investigates that the prosecutor’s office should carry out information activities in order to implement the principle of publicity, protection and protection of human rights and freedoms, and the interests of the state.

It is substantiated that the forms of interaction of the prosecutor’s office with the media (hereinafter – the media) are: a press conference, placement of materials in the media; briefing; distribution of press releases; interview; Round Table; press tour; placing information materials on the website; performances by employees on television broadcasts and radio programs; placement of information materials in new media; inviting media representatives to a meeting.

It was determined that the prosecutor’s office should have a high level of professionalism, which in turn would facilitate the correct and justified formulation of the answers to the questions posed by journalists and other media representatives.

In particular, the article emphasizes the relevance of the investigation of criminal offenses involving the media.

Has actuality of placement of materials in mass media. Important information allows to increase the level of legal culture of the population, to establish partnerships with the institutions of civil society.

It is established that the basis of criminal responsibility is the commission of a person with a dangerous act that contains a crime. It includes: object, objective side, subject, subjective side. The absence of one of these elements does not constitute a criminal offense.

Key words: forms of interaction, Prosecutor General’s Office, mass media, journalists, publicity, human rights, crime.



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