DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-9(213)-2

Kornieiev Yu. V., Stokolos V.  V. General features of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine.

The article examines the history of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine and the current state of the legislative framework.  Various approaches to legal regulations and the etymology of anti-corruption law are considered.  Great emphasis is placed on the study of the institutional framework of our state, namely, the study of the functioning of such state structures as the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Anti-Corruption Court.  The analysis of the historical retrospective, taking into account political events for a better legal analysis.  Based on the recommended amount of work, the state of anti-corruption policy is considered fragmentarily. In order to systematize the analysis of the work, the anti-corruption system of Ukraine was divided into 3 historical stages: the Soviet effect, the neoliberal tendency and the general system.  The initial stages of the Ukrainian legal system are characterized by the dominance of the Soviet Union.  It was during this period that corruption, as a phenomenon, is gaining new dimensions.  Among the main methods of fighting corruption, the Soviet Union used methods of cruel punishment.  In the USSR, the death penalty was introduced in 1950 for the theft of socialist property.  Soon it was not possible to control power, and during the Brezhnev era, an alternative economy appeared due to which bribery increased.  Soviet leaders often used corruption for political ends to eliminate their direct political rivals.  The Soviet government tried to ignore corruption and not regulate crime within the legal framework.  The period of independent Ukraine was characterized by the country’s movement choice.  The national doctrine boiled down to neutrality between Europe and the post-Soviet countries, which created a common legal system.  The key moment was Ukraine’s accession to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 1996.  The liberalization of legislation to the European model soon began.  Revolutionary changes were adopted, and in 2014 the construction of anti-corruption bodies began.  .

Key words: normative legal act, anti-corruption legislation, legal doctrine, institutional framework.


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