DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2020-8(212)-2

Hordiienko S. H. Transformation of the concept of state security

The paper considers the genesis of the theory of the concept of state security in Ukraine, its legal dimension, the definition of a set of state bodies, each of which has its own competence.

Based on the fact that the most acceptable definition of the state is its definition as an organization of political power, it is noted that the security of the state as a system of political power in Ukraine depends on its political, economic, scientific and scientific-technological components. 

The author notes that the term «state security» is defined as a qualitatively defined by law state of functioning of the state as a political institution of power, which is achieved by predicting, preventing, detecting and minimizing the negative impact of existing and likely threats to the main features of the state, sovereignty, monetary and tax systems) and allows the state to effectively implement its social purpose to ensure the further development of the individual (citizen), society and the state.

Thus, the hypothesis that the security of the state as an apparatus of power and management is provided by a large number of its bodies, each of which has its own competence, finds its preliminary confirmation.

In the future, the author substantiates this in more detail on the example of other theoretical developments and existing legislation.

Key words: national security, components of national security, threats to national security of Ukraine, qualitative state of state security, rules of definitions, state security and state security, security of state-political, constitutionally legitimized political system of state, security of state formation and constructive policy, political sovereignty, territorial integrity of Ukraine and inviolability of its borders, security of institutions of state power, security of national-state interests in the sphere of economy.


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