DOI 10.37749/2308-9636-2021-7(223)-2

Vinnyk O. M. Consumer protection in the field of electronic communications.

The article is devoted to the problem of protection of the rights of consumers of electronic communication services, including e-commerce.

The peculiarities of the relationship with the participation of e-consumers and the related problems of protection of their rights are determined. Thus, the peculiarities of consumer protection in the digital economy are related to the specifics of e-commerce, which is carried out using digital technologies. Accordingly, consumers in this area must have the appropriate knowledge, skills, tools, and legislation should enshrine the digital rights of consumers, effective and inexpensive legal mechanisms to protect them. An example is the legal regulation of e-commerce relations in the EU, which enshrines not only the rights of consumers in this area, but also the responsibilities of state authorities and e-commerce entities to provide information support to consumers, as well as pre-trial proceedings for consumer disputes. using an electronic platform managed by the authorized body.

Such legal mechanisms are provided by the Law of Ukraine of 16.12.2020 «On Electronic Communications», the provisions of which are analyzed. However, the innovations enshrined in this law are not mentioned as mandatory for application in the laws «On Consumer Protection» and «On E-Commerce». This indicates the need to supplement the relevant provisions of the above acts (laws «On Electronic Communications», «On Electronic Commerce», «On Consumer Protection») in order to ensure transparency and clarity for ordinary consumers of electronic communications services of these innovations, and in general – for effectiveness of protection of the rights of so-called electronic consumers.

Key words: electronic communication services, e-commerce, e-concumer, electronic regulatory platform, online dispute resolution.





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