Trunova H. A. The category of «poverty» in the social security law and ways to reduce it in Ukraine.

The article, based on the analysis of current legislation, law enforcement practice and research in the field of ensuring the right of citizens to a decent standard of living, examines the issue of overcoming poverty in Ukraine as a category of social risk in social security law. Emphasis is placed on the order of origin of the right to social security as a way to overcome poverty among the disabled population. The main international legal acts in the field of human rights, which guarantee the right to a decent standard of living and social guarantees in the form of a social security system, are analyzed. Addressing the international legal standards in determining the decent standard of living, some proposals have been made on ways to overcome poverty and social exclusion in Ukraine. It is concluded that decent work, adequate employment and social dialogue are the key to poverty reduction.

The legal regulation of social standards in Ukraine is analyzed. The main problems of forming the subsistence level and ways to overcome them are identified. It is proved that the problem is the use of the resource method instead of the normative method provided by law. The resource method assumes the dependence of the size of the basic social standard on the dynamics of economic indicators and financial capabilities of the budget. That is, the subsistence level for the main social and demographic groups is approved not to provide social guarantees, but based on the financial prospects of the state, as a result of which in case of lack of resources in the budget to adjust it and finance dependent social benefits and salaries of public sector employees the rate of increase in the subsistence level. The use of the resource method has led to the parallel existence in Ukraine of two subsistence minimums of different sizes — established in the budget law and the actual one, which is calculated monthly by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine using the normative method of calculation. It is concluded that it is necessary to apply a mechanism for monitoring the basic social standard in terms of its compliance with the actual size.

Key words: decent standard of living, poverty, social exclusion, subsistence level, social security law, social risk.



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